
Family Game Night

School on Wheels of Massachusetts hosted our 2013 Family Game Nights over the April Vacation week. Families were invited to come and play a variety of educational games. At the end of the night, each family was given a new game to take back to their living space. To make this possible, School on Wheels conducted a Game Drive. Our community rose to the occasion donating over 360 brand new games for the families living in three of the temporary housing motels in Brockton. Donations came from individuals, schools, organizations and various groups, such as the employees of Crescent Credit Union. The Village Toy Shop in Easton had offered a 20% discount for games purchased for our drive, in addition to their own generous donation of games.

Our families enjoyed the activities very much. The students really enjoyed playing the games with their families and with the SOWMA volunteers. They were very excited to be able to take the games back with them, too. One young boy came running over to one of the tutors to ask “Is this game really for me to take?” He hugged his box tightly and ran back to his mom to report that, yes, the game was for him to take with them to play as a family. Our volunteers also enjoyed the activities quite a bit. The just loved getting to play games with the kids and have some time to talk with and get to know the families.