
3-2-1-blast Off! By Siomara Dias

This year School on Wheels held three writing contests for the students at all of our program sites. Students were provided with a writing prompt and a few guidelines for each contest. The purpose of the writing contest was to provide students an opportunity to practice their writing skills. The contests were also designed to get student’s excited about writing. Using their imagination and receiving assistance from their tutor(s), the students were able to create amazing stories. Below is a story that was written by one of our 5th grade students that we thought was wonderful!

Enjoy …. 3, 2, 1…. BLAST OFF! By Siomara Dias

“Earth is boring!” I thought. I was tired of going to school, especially tired of MCAS. I wandered over to the space station on Plum Island and onto a rocket ship. I started fooling around with the controls on the ship and before I knew it, the engines started roaring! The spaceship started rumbling! Mission control came over the loud-speaker. The loud, mysterious voice yelled out, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THAT SHIP!?” I didn’t answer, because I knew I was in trouble. I wasn’t afraid or anything, I was going on an adventure! 4 hours later… I landed on this undiscovered planet! I tried to control the landing but I landed with a BOOM! (I sure hope the ship is OK and I can get back home) I looked out the ship’s window and I only saw cupcakes!

Cupcakes everywhere!

I thought I was daydreaming for a second, but I rubbed my eyes and I saw I wasn’t daydreaming at all! It was true! There were cupcakes of all colors, flavors, toppings and sizes. I couldn’t wait to get out of the ship, so I ran down the ramp and I landed in a big, huge puddle of mud… No, wait! IT WAS CHOCOLATE FROSTING! I started to lick my hands like a cat taking a bath. I could already tell this was going to be an awesome experience.

I started walking around, exploring the new planet, and noticed that the petals of the flowers were made of cupcakes. Every house, school, and store looked like giant cupcakes (someday I’ll get used to it, but I’m new here and this is AWESOME!) People started to come out of the buildings and their shoes, laces, and clothes had cupcakes drawn on them, and at the end of the laces were shiny, metal cupcakes. The smell of sweet sugary cupcakes filled the air. As I walked by a white river of mild, a sweet and kind person came up and greeted me.

Her name was Vanilla Violet and she had dark red hair and she was wearing a t-shirt with cupcakes all over it, it said, “I love cupcakes!” As she walked by the river, she picked up a strawberry and chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting and dipped it into the river and took a bite. “

You’re not from around here, are you?” she said munching on the cupcake.
“No” I said, “I’m from Earth.”

“You’re from Earth!” she cried. “This is our lucky day! We have been looking for a Queen for a very long time, because she must be from Earth, and no one from Earth has ever been here before. Will you be our Queen?”

It was an easy decision, I would never have to do MCAS again! I became Queen and Vanilla Violet became my best friend. I stayed for 5 years. I didn’t get homesick because I brought my whole family to this new wonderful planet. We ate cupcakes all the time and we never got one cavity!

This place is magical! I think we’ll stay for the rest of our lives!