
100 Families Challenge

The 100 Families Challenge is an opportunity for families to help support the education of School on Wheels’ students by raising $100 to provide tutoring, backpacks and school supplies to children impacted by homelessness.

This is a matching gift program that asks 100 families to donate $100 to support School on Wheels of Massachusetts. All donations are welcome. Every dollar raised, up to $10,000, by June 30 is matched 100% by our seed donor, The Weed Family.

Thanks to our wonderful donors, again this year we have exceeded our goal of $20,000 for the 100 Families Challenge. A big shout-out to The Weed Family for their generosity match of all donations up to $10,000.

A special message from our Match Donors, The Weed Family:

It has been our honor to support School on Wheels for the past twelve years. Investing in education is absolutely the wisest and most fulfilling action we can take. And School on Wheels does a phenomenal job of enriching the lives of children and families impacted by homelessness.  We have seen first hand how effective the one-on-one tutoring program is as we have marveled over the countless heartwarming success stories. When we donate to School on Wheels we are 100% certain that every cent will be used thoughtfully and effectively to make a beautiful, lasting improvement in the lives of children. It just doesn’t get any better than that.

—Jay and Claudia Weed

 From the Spatola Family of Bridgewater: 
“We decided to participate in the 100 Families Challenge for School on Wheels because my kids realize how fortunate they are. As Lauren and Sophia both turned 9 and really didn’t need or want for anything it was a great opportunity to turn their gifts into a sharing opportunity. The kids who benefit from Schools on Wheels need a lot more than Lauren and Sophia and this was a great opportunity for us, as parents, to teach our children to share, be kind, and give to others. Involving the kids with SOWMA has allowed me to help my kids understand how fortunate they are and how we can help children who are not as fortunate as they are. Not only is this a great teaching moment for our children, but giving feels good.”

Some Ways Your Family Might Raise $100

  • Lemonade Stand
  • Yard Sale
  • Odd Jobs in the Neighborhood
  • Car Wash
  • Read-a Thon
  • Collect loose change

Send Us Your Photos!

We would love to see how you and your family are raising money for our kids. Email them to [email protected] or upload them to our Facebook page.

Every Dollar Donated will be Doubled!

All gifts received by June 30 will be matched by The Weed family. So, $100 from your family becomes $200 for our kids’ education.