In the case of inclement weather, we automatically will cancel tutoring when schools are closed in the towns where our sites are located. We may also choose to cancel tutoring if we feel that it is not safe or reasonable to ask tutors to come in. In that case, Site Coordinators will send out an e-mail as well as a text message and/or phone call. It is best to let the Site Coordinator know which mode of communication works best for you.
If we have not cancelled tutoring but you do not feel that it is safe for you to go, call or email as soon as possible to let your Site Coordinator know.
When all sites are cancelled due to a big storm, that information is also posted our social media. Please follow School on Wheels on Facebook to get updates.
Occasionally, School on Wheels closes all sites due to special events. This information will be given to you at least a week in advance so you can plan your time accordingly. We are also closed during school holidays and vacations and follow the school calendar so that when your site’s district doesn’t have school, your students will not have tutoring.
If you need to cancel on any evening, please let your Site Coordinator know right away. School on Wheels will try to find a substitute tutor for that student. If you anticipate begin out multiple sessions, the earliest you can get this information out to your Site Coordinator the better so he/she can arrange for a long-term commitment from a substitute.
Once in a while, our sites need to close down for various reasons. It could be due to construction in the tutoring area, a health-related outbreak, or because the students have a special event to attend. In these circumstances, we ask the program partners to communicate with us as soon as they know so we can inform tutors in advance. Rarely, we find out when we arrive for tutoring. Since the Site Coordinators arrive a half hour early, immediately when they find out tutoring is canceled they will contact to let you know. Always make sure your Site Coordinator has your home phone or cell phone for quick communications.